Vertical Reflexology (VRT)
I trained in VRT (vertical reflex therapy) in 2009 as part of my fertility reflexology training program. It’s not only very powerful at stimulating fertility and balancing hormones; it’s very effective for pain management, injuries, sportsmen and women, those with mobility problems, the elderly, children, babies and even for promoting sleep.
The treatment is given to the client whilst they are standing or ‘load bearing’. This makes the ‘reflexes’ more responsive to treatment and results are much quicker.
I usually perform a standing VRT routine during the first ten minutes of most of my reflexology treatments.
Other additional vertical reflexology techniques I use include
- Endocrine flush and balance to harmonise the woman’s hormonal system. This can be used to support PMT, puberty, sub-fertility, peri-menopause, menopause, PCOS and endometriosis
- Enhanced VRT mobilisation techniques for groin strain, working hip flexors and ankles
- Pain and mobility techniques, pelvic balancing, releasing tight back muscles and easing spinal pain. I specifically target reflexes for the sciatic nerves, psoas and piriformis
- Adaptive reflexology for older people including wheelchair bound clients, clients who have strokes and other neurological problems
- VRT ‘sleep package’ for insomniacs and self-help routine
- Support for chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, breathing problems, asthma, joint issues, stress and anxiety
- Advanced stimulation of the neural pathways
Origins of vertical reflexology techniques
VRT was developed by Lynne Booth over twenty years from her work in a care home for the elderly and chronically ill at St Monica’s Trust Care Home and also later with sporting injuries at Bristol City Football Club.
www.boothvrt.comVRT was discovered by mistake; not unlike gravity and stainless steel!
Lynne gave reflexology to a 70-year-old woman with mobility problems, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. She was in great pain and had injured her hip in a fall but was too frail to undergo a hip replacement operation. Lynne knelt down and treated the hip, pelvis, leg and spine reflexes in a ten-minute treatment. She had acute pain in her hip and soreness that lasted for thirty minutes, after which the hip was much less painful. The next day the woman was able to move her foot and leg higher than she had been able to even before her accident. Lynne continued with treatment and within ten weeks the woman had regained full mobility. She died aged eighty-five, still mobile, after a prognosis of being told she would be wheelchair bound fifteen years previously.
I conceived twins whilst training in and receiving fertility reflexology and VRT in 2009. I had reflexology treatments and vertical reflexology throughout my pregnancy and reached full term of thirty-eight weeks. I was forty-two years old!
Research into VRT
Detailed research has been done and many articles have been written on the effectiveness of VRT for numerous conditions, which range from pain to anxiety and even calming crying babies. Thompson Study 2005
Reflexology in the treatment of anxiety 2004
VRT Hand Reflexology in the Workplace Study 2003
VRT Pain and Mobility Study 1997