
I trained as a Reiki Practicioner in 1999 and became a Reiki Master in 2008. This ancient form of healing naturally balances your inner energies. It promotes physical well-being and also has a profound effect on your emotions.

I have experience of working with the elderly and children as well as animals and have had great success with clients suffering from ME, CFS, fybromyalgia and long standing pain related conditions. It combines well with my other treatments, in particular Reflexology when I am working with chronic pain reflex spinal techniques and where the client hasn't responded well to conventional treatment.

My clients are supported by a very comfortable couch and the hands-on treatment is given through a blanket. Reiki is excellent for reducing stress and anxiety, physical and emotional problems, increasing energy and promoting the body’s self-healing abilities. It sustains and enriches your life.

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Please allow 48 Hours for appointment cancellations.
Late cancellations and missed appointments will be charged for.
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Thank you for your interest. My client list is currently at full capacity, I'm operating a cancellation list for new clients who wish to book an appointment. Please feel free to contact me.